convent on an old English estate. Out of the many characters a few stand foremost. They are: Dora, who tries to hold together the strings of her dying marriage to Paul, who is intensely wrapped up in . . . himself; and Nick and Catherine, brother and sister, both young, and these two cannot seem to stand up to the trials of community life. Catherine wishes to become a nun and Nick seems always occupied with his dog and guns. Before Nick came to this community he had had a love affair with Michael, another member of the community, but Nick told on Michael. Michael is an intelligent person and though he has not touched Nick upon the latter's arrival here, he is still a little afraid of Nick because of their past affair.

Yes, Michael is cursed with a tendency to attract and be attracted by young men.

Just as things seem to be looking up for Michael, along comes Toby, a teenager who talks like a ten year old, and he upsets Michael's apple-cart. Michael can't refuse and kisses Toby in the car one night, then the whole thing starts up for Michael again and his conscience really gets after him.

To quote from the blurb on the jacket a legend is confirmed, a marriage destroyed, a bishop embarrassed, a suicide averted and another suicide carried out, a new bell acquired for the convent, and young love put to the test."

-Arnell Larsen

THEY WALK IN SHADOW is recommended reading by Albert Ellis, Ph.D., Psychologist, Author and Marriage Counselor

How Gay Are You?

Don't Be Too Sure-Until You've Read


A FIRST! Author J. D. Mercer dares to tell ALL the truth! As a selfconfessed and self-accepting ambisexual, he gives you the first positive approach to homosexuality and other sex variations heretofore shielded by taboos, prejudice and ignorance. He regards his topics not as "problems" needing "cures," but with insight, courage and rational analysis, he reveals why most sexual variations are natural and normal to human beings.

MR. MERCER analyzes Kinsey statistics, draws reasonable conclusions from them, particularly as to American male sex behavior when contrasted with the limited sex activity permitted by our archaic legal codes. These laws not only prohibit sex activities involving America's several million sex variants, but also prohibit much so-called "normal" sex activity, as often practiced by married couples!


they walk in


J. D. Mercer

THIS BOOK is a "first" in that it covers sex variations from the standpoints of history, literature, ethics, anthropology, endocrinology, psychology, genetics, physiology, the judiciary, the law, etc., all in one volume. It makes a forthright expose of our statutory laws and anti-sexual attitudes . . . a MUST for all who want to know where they "fit in" and how our out-moded sex laws can affect YOU. THEY WALK IN SHADOW may be banned! Get your copy NOW. Copies ordered from Cosmo Book Sales will be autographed by the author upon request. Send $5.95 plus 30c postage to:

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